The Co-Operative Societies are social enterprises formed by the group of people for their mutual interests. In india The Credit Cooperative sector was developed to help the financially weaker section who directly or indirectly can not approach the bank or financial institutions or to whom the bank/financial institutions refuse to fulfill their financial needs on various grounds.
The Supreme Co-Operative (Urban) Thrift and Credit Society Ltd. is better option for them.The Supreme Co-Operative gives you a wide range of financial solutions like Fixed Deposits(FD), Monthly Income Scheme(MIS), Recurring Deposits(RD), Personal Loan, Gold Loan, Loan Against Property, Vehicle Loan, Emergency Loan etc.
The Supreme Co-Operative (Urban) Thrift and Credit Society Ltd. was formed by a group of 57 members and Registered under Delhi Cooperative Societies Act 2003 & Rule 2007 on 15th day of Nov. 2011 wide Regd. No.10282/NE/TC/2011. at It's Registered office M-32/A-5, Dilshad Garden Delhi-110095. Later on in July 2019 it shifted it's Registered office to a new Office in commercial and prime location at office No. 4, First Floor, CSC, Pocket-I, Dilshad Garden, Delhi-110095 (Near Dilshad Garden Metro Station).
Credit Cooperative Societies in India have a big role to play in economic Development of low and middle class people. The Supreme Co-operative society is formed with motive to help It's members who are facing problems of finance for their genuine requirements. Supreme Co-operative is not only providing finance but also encouraging thrift of it's members. it is said that earning money is simple but saving money is an art.
We work as a bridge between two persons, a person having excess money will deposit it's money in the society in various deposits schemes and the person who needs money for his various genuine requirements is sanctioned loan the Society continues to progress and offers to meets the expectations of it's members, true to the co-operative tradition and spirit.